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WBI Advisors

Kingdom Impact + Pro Values Investing

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Connect with WBI Advisors

WBI Advisors is a dynamic team focused on leading others to build wealth that has a perpetual Kingdom Impact.

A primary goal of WealthBuilders Investments (WBI)  is to collaborate with like mind financial professionals to maximize the global impact of investing for the Kingdom of God. Our investment philosophy is focused upon what we call Kingdom Impact + Pro Values Investing. WBI is actively seeking opportunities to partner with successful and experienced financial advisors and planners who share our passion. As the saying goes, "Iron sharpens Iron."

 If you are a financial advisor, financial planner, real estate professional, attorney, or CPA who desires to expand the impact your business and expertise can have on others using Biblical principles, we would love to connect!

What can we do together that we cannot do by ourselves? 

For those in the financial advisor community: Whether you are a successful RIA owner looking to implement Christian values more to your practice or you wish to reduce compliance and administrative headaches, WBI can help. Come explore what WealthBuilders Investments is creating and the opportunity to grow and bless others together.

Gain Access to Our First-Class Business Partners

WealthBuilders Investments has created a first-class operating system for financial advisors who want to incorporate Faith Based Investing into their business and not do it alone.  

Portfolio Management




Operational Support